
Prize Redemption: 3 Great Options

Winloot gives you so many ways to win. From our daily $77,777.77 sweepstakes to our other giveaways on this site to the $10 Million and more on Winloot, you have dozens of ways to enter to win every day.  And with over 83.000 winners so far, Winloot has paid a lot of happy winners.

It's one of the best parts of working at Winloot; paying winners.  Since we give out a lot of cash and prizes, we make sure it's easy to get the prize(s) to you.  We work hard to avoid delays and hassles when it's time for you to celebrate and enjoy your winning. But.  There is one part of awarding winners that we don't like to see - when we actually can't reach or contact a winner.  Almost always this happens because someone entered to win with an email address they don't check very often and/or an email address that actually is not their own.  So, the first thing you can do to help yourself claim a prize if you're a winner is to use an email address that you check often.  We notify winners via email and we don't want miss the chance to contact you if you're a winner.

And, prizes can be redeemed in several ways.  If you're the winner of an actual prize, like a laptop, a Fire TV stick, or any other prize, you can have that prize shipped to you. However, almost all of our winners choose to have the cash value sent to them as an Amazon Gift Card, PayPal deposit or as a check we send to their postal address.  These 3 options are the fastest and easiest ways to quickly get a prize to a winner, and to you should you be a winner sometime soon.

Make sure you check your email.  If you see a winner notification email that tells you that you have won a prize on Winloot, please make sure to follow the instructions in the email and let us know how you'd like us to send you the prize.  Amazon Gift Card, PayPal deposit or a check - it would be up to you.  

Good luck. We hope to see you on the Winloot winners list sometime soon.

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